[Solaris] Importing HDA-Camera to LOP

Issue When importing your custom HDA camera into Solaris using SceneImportLOP, you can’t import it and it appear the waring. (Custom HDA camera is some thing like this.) The following warning appears. This may probably only appear in 19.5 or later. Solution Let’s go to the link that the waring said. We see the following statement at the beginning of the document. It seems that some work needs to be done to load the custom node into the LOP....

<span title='2023-10-05 09:27:07 +0900 +0900'>October 5, 2023</span>&nbsp;·&nbsp;3 min&nbsp;·&nbsp;Shohei Okazaki

Why not use Wrangle? part2

Wrangle is not to only create/edit attributes. It can make new points/primitive as well. Wrangleは、アトリビュートを作ったり編集するだけでなく、Pointを作ったりPrimitiveを作ったりもできます。初心者向けのチュートリアルで時々みるPointSopを使って、Pを編集してるやつをWrangleで置き換えてみます。こんなやつです。 まずラインの作り方 line sopできますが、wrangleでやってみます。ただの直線を作るときに、わざわざwrangleでやる必要はないかと思いますが、近くのpoint同士を結びつけるときなど普通にやろうとすると、めんどくさい時に重宝するので覚えときましょう。 int res = 10; float height = 5.0; int line = addprim(0, "polyline"); for(int i=0; i<res; i++){ vector pos =set(1, height/(res-1)*i, 0); int cp = addpoint(0,pos); addvertex(0, line, cp); } 長さ(height)とポイント数(res)を決めてあげて、これらのポイントを結んでラインを作ります。なぜ、Vertexを作る必要があるかというと、Primitiveを構成するにはVertexが必要です。Pointではありません。Help: ジオメトリの作成 もちろん、Vopでもつくれます。 ラインが作れたら、各Pointの位置を編集するだけです。簡単ですね。 int res = 100; float rad = 3; float height = 5; float freq = 10; int line = addprim(0, "polyline"); for (int i = 0; i < res; i++){ vector pos; pos....

<span title='2015-03-01 11:40:54 +0900 +0900'>March 1, 2015</span>&nbsp;·&nbsp;1 min&nbsp;·&nbsp;Shohei Okazaki

Why not use Wrangle? part1

Wrangle has been included since 12.5, but I feel many people are avoiding it or scaring. Maybe you’ re avoiding it because it reminds you of Maya’s Expression, which is frustrating. But people had used Maya will be familiar with it because vex is similar to Expression. And I believe all FX artists can do some coding, such as Python and Mel.. Definitely, this knowledge will help you. So don’t be scared....

<span title='2015-02-18 13:59:47 +0900 +0900'>February 18, 2015</span>&nbsp;·&nbsp;3 min&nbsp;·&nbsp;Shohei Okazaki